A special conveyor table that can be used on folding unit I opens up new production options for you with a single additional investment. The conveyor table permanently affixed to folding unit I is equipped with what is known as an alternating deflector. The alternating deflector can distribute the sheet stream from folding unit I alternately on two sidelays in folding unit II. This halves the mechanical speed of the second folding unit and this unit is able to process the higher output of the first folding unit, particularly with landscape formats. Halving the speed guarantees high folding quality and reliable corner deflection in folding unit II. This means that for many products that could often produce a higher speed in the first folding unit, but that are slowed down by the second folding unit (fold variations, difficult corner deflection, flying corners with thin products), the output can be increased by up to 40 %. All with just one turn of the handle.
In addition to the increased output, there is another effect that plays a significant role. Overrunning images are no longer controlled via multiple crossfolds. Instead, the quality is set in the first folding unit itself via the first fold.
A high net output can be achieved thanks to the waste sheet deflector integrated into the conveyor table. Incorrectly folded sheets and double sheets are detected by the ultrasonic double sheet control here and ejected during production before the alternating deflector.
Further possibilities of the transfer table:
With the specialized MBO transfer table it‘s easy to setup traditional double stream production; no time consuming add-on installations would be required. For standard production with only one sidelay in folding unit II the alternating deflector is easily deactivated with a switch.