If you want to classify the medium-sized press machines, Rapida 106 is the most full and complete one, even regardless of its high speed and unique flexibility. KBA has always been a leader in innovation and speed, and Rapida 106 has come together in a certain way.
The maximum performance and maximum comfort of the operation , thanks to the automation of the machine and all of the shortest make ready time among the world's printing machines, makes us welcome the world champion.
A long list of revolutionary innovations begins with the presentation of paper input technology. The "DriveTronic SIS" system is a prerequisite for high speeds in Rapida machines. Absolute accuracy and lack of influence on a variety of levels, even the most sensitive ones, have made Köenig & Bauer a genius fighter.
So it's better to sit and watch because Rapida 106 can do even more.
Without having to stop, this machine can prepare the next job in the middle of production.
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